Privacy Policy

At Fudetabi Kobo, we will strive to respect its customers privacy, carefully handle, protect, and manage personal information with respect to the operation of this website.



1. Definitions

Personal Information is defined as information regarding a living individual that can be used to identify a specific individual through information on their name, birth date, or other data, as well as other information that can be used in tandem with other information to identify a specific individual.



2. The Collection of Personal Information

We will gather its customers Personal Information when purchases or inquiries are made, or questionnaires are filled out.

The Personal Information we collect will correspond with the following items.

Name/address/phone number/e-mail address/password/shipping information/purchase history and purchase details/payment information/inquiring and questionnaire information/information that can identify specific individuals in combination with the above.



3. The Usage of Personal Information

Personal Information received from our customers will be used for the following purposes.

Order confirmation and inquiries, product shipment confirmation and inquiries.

Responding to inquiries, cancellations, and refunds/exchanges.

Requesting payment for products.

Providing information, when the customer in question has provided permission to do so.

Ending membership, notifications for the altering of registered information, and confirmation procedures.

The creation of statistical information from Personal Information registered by users and purchase histories to provide useful services to customers and for reference in the development of new products, without identifying specific individuals.

The performance of surveys to evaluate satisfaction regarding purchased items, product development, and improvement of service.

The regular notification of information from Fudetabi Kobo or Brains Co., Ltd.

The notification of information on new products and services.

Directly contacting our customers.



4. Safe Management

We will conduct reasonable, organizational, physical, human, and technological safety management for Personal Information through a service agency. We will also strive the prevent unauthorized access to, loss or falsification of, or leaks of Personal Information through proper care measures in accordance with the law.



5. Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information

Personal Information acquired from customers will not be provided or disclosed to third parties, except in the following cases.

We have the customers permission to do so.

The law requires us to do so.

It is necessary to do so by law, or is necessary to complete work by the federal government or a municipality or a contractor working with such entities.

It is required to do so to protect someones life, safety, or property, and it is difficult to obtain permission from the individual.

It is in exchange for personal data with a company partnered with the company operating this store.

It is necessary to provide for smooth operations with contractors. (In this case, we will provide appropriate management to prevent leaks and falsification from our contractors through the creation of agreements with them regarding Personal Information protection)



6. Retention Period

When the legal retention period has expired, or the Personal Information is no longer necessary to fulfill the reason stated in 3. Usage, we will delete said information without delay.



7. Correcting and Deleting Personal Information

Inquiries regarding correcting or deleting Personal Information we have received from our customers should be made to the address listed below. Additionally, if the customer is a registered user, they can edit their Personal Information from our sites menu, at "My Account".
Go to Login Page



8. Cookies

This website uses Cookies. Cookies will be used to gather data regarding the number of visitors our website receives, which pages they view, and for how long for the purpose of improving our services, and will not be used to identify individuals or invade their privacy. They will not be used to analyze user activities, and will not be recorded to the sites memory. Cookies will be automatically deleted after 14 days. Cookies may be rejected by altering browser settings.

*Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a site and allow a site to recognize your device.



9. Google Analytics

This website utilizes Google Analytics for the purpose of analyzing activity. Customer information gathered, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics will not be used to identify individuals. We will not be liable for any damages resulting from Google Analytics services.



10. SSL Usage

SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) technology will be used while users input Personal Information to ensure security, and prevent the interception, interference, or falsification of information.

*SSL refers to a function transmits and receives encrypted information to prevent interception or falsification of data. SSL makes it possible to transmit information more securely.



11. Alterations and Notifications

We can revise or improve the Privacy Policy as necessary. Changes to this policy regarding the information gathered, purpose of usage, or other items will be announced on this page. We will not be liable for privacy measures taken by other entities.



12. Indemnity

Customers are responsible for their usage of this website. We will not be responsible for damages incurred through the usage of websites linked to on this website.



13. Proposals from Our Customers

We will not accept proposals regarding ideas or plans for products or services from customers. If such a proposal is made, the customer will be deemed to have agreed to the following:

We are not obligated to keep the contents of the proposal a secret.

We are not obligated to consider, evaluate, or utilize the proposal.

If we create a product or plan that resembles all of or any part of the proposal, we will not be obliged to pay remuneration to the individual who made the proposal.



14. Inquiries

Fudetabi Kobo in Brains Co., Ltd.

We do not accept inquiries made in person or by phone. We thank you for your consideration.